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Minnesota Hockey District 9

District 9 Fall Hockey Camps

District 9 will be hosting Fall Development camps again this season.  New will be a Girls camp as well.  Please review the documents below for registration instructions.


District 9 was developed in 2010 by Minnesota Hockey and covers south central and southeastern Minnesota, from the Wisconsin border to St. Peter and from Faribault/Northfield to the Iowa border.

To see District 9's By-Laws and Operating Procedures, select the "BOARD" link above and then choose the Operations tab on the left side of the webpage.

Association Invoices

Association invoices will be sent out by Monday, December 3rd, to all Associations to cover their District and League fees.  Upon receipt of your invoice, each Association should mail remittance to Troy Marquardt, District 9 treasurer, at the following address:

District 9

Attn: Troy Marquardt

6672 198th Court West

Faribault, MN 55021

Association payments are due by December 31, 2018.  If you have any questions about this billing, please contact Troy at

Who is District 9?